Hi, I'm Kat Berge.

An aspiring full stack developer from Minnesota. A Computer Science major/Spanish minor at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon.

Experienced in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Python, C, and C# with the Unity game engine. Received three certifications from freeCodeCamp.org: Responsive Web Design, JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures, and Front End Libraries.

A headshot of Kat Berge.


Opening screen for 2D game titled Spider Shooter. It has buttons labeled about, play, and rules. There is a cartoon spider hanging down from a spider web in the background.

Spider Shooter

My first game in the Unity Game Engine. A 2D top-down shooter created following a Udemy tutorial by Noa Calice. Worked with C# and the Unity Game engine. Made and animated 2D art.

A picture of a dupe of the game 2048. It has a title of 2048, a New Game button, a score display and a 4 by 4 grid for gameplay.

2048 Dupe

My first self-assigned project. A dupe of the game 2048 using HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript. Taught me how to work through coding problems on my own and become confident in my front end coding knowledge.

A picture of a dupe of the game Snake. It has a tile of Snake, a score display, and three buttons labeled Start, New Game, and Start Menu, as well as rectangular space that has a line of connected dots and two dots elseware.

Snake Dupe

Another solo project that is a dupe of the game Snake. Expanded my knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JS. Used HTML canvas and allowed users to choose between several difficulties and color themes for the snake and buttons.

A picture showing a green circle labeled Session with 25 minutes shown below and two buttons: one with a pause/play symbol and the other with a repeat symbol. Below the circle are two pink rectangles both with up and down arrow buttons. One rectangle says break length with a 5 beneath it, and the other is labeled session length with a 25 beneath it.

Pomodoro Clock

The last project that I completed in order to receive freeCodeCamp's Front End Libraries certification. Used React to create a timer that switched between sessions and breaks, which could be set to customizable lengths in minutes.

Want to get in touch or learn more about me?

GitHub LinkedIn Email: kat.n.berge@gmail.com